Denison University Performing Arts Center

Denison University
Granville, Ohio
Westlake Reed Leskosky

Robertson was engaged as the Construction Manager at Risk for the new Performing Arts Center on the campus of Denison University. The new Center is a blend between the twentieth century, red brick, neo-Georgian classrooms and the residence buildings, contemporary laboratories, and traditional brick and slate structures. The new facility consists of a new proscenium theater, dance pavilion, scene and costume shops, and several rehearsal/practice studios.

I am thankful to Robertson Construction for all the time, energy, and immense care you have put into bringing the Eisner Center to life. This is a beautiful building which will change how students for generations experience the arts at Denison. Thank you for making that happen.

Kathy Peter
Operations Manager for The Michael D. Eisner Center for the Performing Arts