Construction Update: September 27, 2018

The Michael D. Eisner Center for the Performing Arts is weather tight and the exterior skin of the building is in process.  As the slate siding, storefront systems and mansard roof are installed, the building envelope will be complete. The Education Wing of the Center, which occupies the southern-most portion of the site, is taking … Continued

Construction Update: May 28, 2018

Due to the Eisner Center construction, the Burke Hall of Music and Art and the Denison Museum are closed this summer. There will be no public access to the building. This is a scheduled closing and no programming will be disrupted.  The Museum and Recital Hall will reopen, with a new roof and redesigned space, for … Continued

Construction Update: March 4, 2018

Burke Hall and the Denison Museum will remain open during construction.  Signage is in place to direct visitors to the College Street entrances. College Street will be closed until the next community event. The sidewalk on the north side of Broadway will remain closed throughout the project.  Please use the walk on the south side of … Continued

Construction Update: February 12, 2018

Burke Hall and the Denison Museum will remain open during construction.  Signage is in place to direct visitors to the College Street entrances. College Street will be closed until the next community event.  The sidewalk on the north side of Broadway will remain closed throughout the project.  Please use the walk on the south side of … Continued

Construction Update: January 8, 2018

  Burke Hall and the Denison Museum will remain open during construction.  Signage is in place to direct visitors to the College Street entrances. College Street will be open for the Suzuki Festival on Friday, January 19th, and Saturday, January 20th. On Monday, January 22nd, College Street will be closed until the next community event. … Continued

Construction Update: October 23, 2017

Burke Hall and the Denison Museum will remain open during construction.  Signage is in place to direct visitors from the College Street entrances. College Street is closed to vehicular traffic but is open to pedestrian traffic. The sidewalk on the north side of Broadway will remain closed throughout the project.  Please use the walk on the … Continued

Construction Update: August 29, 2017

Due to the high temperatures this time of year, the balance of the concrete work will commence at 6:00 AM for the next six weeks to facilitate a quality finish and avoid complications with the hot weather.  Back-up alarms and other loud noises will be kept to a minimum prior to 7:30 AM.  If the … Continued

Construction Update: August 20, 2017

Burke Hall and the Denison Museum will remain open during normal hours throughout construction. Signage is in place to direct visitors to the College Street entrances. College Street will be closed until further notice. The sidewalk on the north side of West Broadway will remain closed as well.  Please use the walk on the south side … Continued

Construction Update: July 31, 2017

Burke Hall and the Denison Museum will remain open during normal hours throughout construction. Signage is in place to direct visitors to the College Street entrances. College Street will be open for Pelotonia and the sidewalk along the north side of West Broadway will remain closed.  Please use the walk on the south side of West … Continued

Construction Update: July 17, 2017

Burke Hall and the Denison Museum will remain open during normal hours throughout construction. Signage is in place to direct visitors to the College Street entrances. College Street will be open for Pelotonia and the sidewalk along the north side of West Broadway will remain closed. Please use the walk on the south side of … Continued